Thursday 25 October 2012

Hey, it's been a while!

So yeah, I hardly ever write here, mainly because I feel it's a little redundant, since it seems I have hardly any readership. But that's okay, what I do post is mainly what happens to be on my mind at any given time. Mostly not worth reading really. On the flip side though, I feel a little bad that I hardly use this blog after my friend Emma Thorbinson helped me make this blog look really professional. - Also, as a thanks to Emma, please go check out her band Jessicas Ghost.

So what's been happening James, anything interesting. Well. Not really. I moved house a few times this year before settling down in February. Started a new relationship, thinking of returning to education and recently gotten back into playing Magic The Gathering, but that's not that all interesting really.

Also, I have been tinkering with the idea of providing weekly content here, I haven't fully planned the schedule but I was thinking of providing reviews every Friday, Personal updates weekly (I haven't figured out what day, I might move the reviews to Monday and do the weekly personal post on a Friday) and some other posts during the week, update on that coming soon I guess.

I am thinking of doing National Month of Writing (Nanowrimo) this November. The basic idea of Nano is you have one month to write a 50.000 word story. If you work around 3000 words a day you can pretty much pull it off. There are no prizes involved other than the self satification that you have the dedication to write 50.000 words within such a small time frame. 

It sounds great on paper but I really have little idea what I want to write about this year. in 2011 I was writing a story I spent a few years planning, only to have life get in the way and to be slapped in the face with a story that was far to detailed and pretty much impossible to find an ending I was happy with. This year I have two options. One idea is set in a dystopic future where the media controls all aspects of the population, imagine Rupert Murdoch being in charge of government and fox news was his main source of propaganda. The other idea involves Lucifer trying to find who is behind the recent killings of his fellow angels, both Arch and Fallen Angel. I might go with the latter idea, it's the one that appeals to me the most but the more I write the basic run down of the story the more I find plot holes in the plot. Maybe I can just go for it and suspend disbelief. A lot of novels never really follow real life, and I have Morningstar as the main protagonist! So yeah, I will update more when it happens.

And that pretty much wraps this post up, I hope you have a good weekend and I hope you have fun in what ever you guys do.

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